Ron Cohen WAS BORN AT THE LATE 1980’S AND GREW UP IN THE TOWN OF KIRYAT GAT, 60 KILOMETERS SOUTH OF TEL AVIV. As a child, he loved jumping off of balconies, roll around grassy hills and keep the company of older kids. But most of all, Ron desired to float mid-air and view the world from the lens of a back-flip. When he was fifteen, he began breakdancing and fell in love! He was enamored with dance as well as the floor; once he even broke his mother’s costly steam iron while practicing his handstands. As Ron grew older so did his curiosity regarding movement. While breakdancing ultimately felt limiting and painful (particularly in the joints of his hands), at nineteen he began dancing Hip Hop and became seriously addicted to the groove. Following a few years of groove, bounce, rock, locking, popping and others like them, Ron yearned for people to dress up sharply and devote their time and funds to leisurely sit down to view him dance; so he packed a backpack and cane for the road and embarked on route to ​​Vertigo Eco Art Village - Kibbutz Netiv Halamed. There, he met Noa, Rina, Tali, Alex and others, who taught about Batman and Tondo, about pushing what is in existence, banana and over (legend has it that he would sleep amid Release lessons) and all things between. Four years later Ron joined the Vertigo Dance Group and shared the stage with them for four consecutive years. In 2017, he received a call from Roy Assaf-a mammal from the hominids family who invited him to join his dance group and without thinking twice, Ron became a member. He repacked his backpack and road cane, this time also adding a sparkle and water canteen in order the climb the hill. In addition to his excursions in Israel and the globe, Ron returned to his home town to establish a Dance School that joins the leaps, rolls, batman tondos and array of breaks under one roof- an experience he derives great joy from. In 2019 Ron married his love, Hadar Ben Dov, and as of July 2021 they are learning to navigate residual fatigue as new parents to a sweet baby.