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Gilly Geva was born on a sunny afternoon in 2000. She moved to Hod Hasharon as a four month-old baby, and lived in the same house for 20 years with her two older brothers, her imagination and occasionally a pet (some rabbits, a fish named Floyd, a dog called Pete, hamsters and a secret cat). She always loved moving, and before settling on dance she tried judo, ballroom dancing, basketball, competitive rhythmic gymnastics and even cooking lessons. When she reached the age of 15, after dancing for 5 years in Studio Life, she grabbed her ballet shoes and went to study in Thelma Yellin High School of the Arts' Dance Department. There she received the opportunity to take a ballet class every day and polish her Sudoku skills every morning on the train to school. During her mandatory army service as a talented paper shredder, she studied in the Maslool Professional Dance Program, and after her graduation she danced in streets and squares with the "Dancing Outside" project of Suzanne Dellal Centre. In the last couple of years, apart from embroidering and eating pasta, she danced and was part of the creation of  "The 4 Seasons" by Itzik Galili, "You Love It" by Lior Tavori, "Pigulim" by Ella Rothchild,  "A Way Out" by Ayelet Cohen Charach and "..378,379,380" by Ronit Ziv.

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